2018 Season
Take Bat retained its title of Grand Final Winner, following a hard fought match against Nutty Nukes on 17th August. The first Innings saw excellent fielding from Take Bat, keeping the score low. Nutty Nukes fought back hard in the second half but was unable to close the gap.
Ace of Diamonds took the Plate in the final match of the 2018 season against Barmy Army. An exceptional batting and fielding performance by AoD gained a significant lead by half time. A valiant effort by Barmy Army recovered some of the deficit in the second half, but to no avail.
The highest scorer trophies went to to with Emma Marczylo of Nutty Nukes and Ted Brooke of The Empire Strikes Bat and the league trophy to Lumen Loonies. Many thanks to Martin Rudman, Chairman of the Oxford Area Civil Service Sports Council (CSSC) for presenting the trophies.
The 2018 season will be remembered for an exceptional run of good weather.
Congratulations to all winners and thanks to all those who took part and contributed.
A total of 4455.5 rounders were scored in the 2018 season.
See links below for more details
League Tables
Scorer Tables
Cup Competition
Plate Competition
Three Extra Rounders Matches!
Three extra mini-competitions were held this summer, each with a RAL vs Rest of the World (RotW) theme. Results as follows:
1. Tuesday 14th August: RAL (16.5) v Rest of the World (RotW) (22)
2. Monday 20th August: RAL ladies (24.5) v RotW ladies (16)
3. Tuesday 21st August RAL boys (19.5) v RotW boys (21.5)
Coming soon. Take a look at
Photos for details.