Lumen Loonies v Take Bat

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Date Thu 23rd May 2019
Pitch 2
Type played
Stage round1
Umpired by Mad Batters
Base Invaders

Teams Lumen Loonies Take Bat
Result drawn drawn
Full Time Scores 18 18
Half Time Scores 11.5 9
No-balls (innings 1) 2 0
No-balls (innings 2) 4 1
No. of players 11 8
Player 1 Simon Cooper 4.5 Andy Marshall 2.5
Player 2 Charlotte King 1 Kevin Phipps 2
Player 3 Mikey Regan 2.5 Sarah Beardsley 3
Player 4 Leanne Spurway 2 Laura Street 1.5
Player 5 Reuben Porter 2 Joe O'Dell 2.5
Player 6 Hannah Muldoon - Simon Woodward 2
Player 7 Aron Riddlough 1 Gary Burton 0.5
Player 8 Lucila Canas Bottos 0.5 Steve Hawkes 3.5
Player 9 Joe Steele 2.5 - -
Player 10 Ed Pull 1 - -
Player 11 James Butterworth 1 - -
Total Rounders - 18 - 17.5
No-balls Contribution - 0 - 0.5
Calculated score - 18 - 18
Consistent? - YES - YES

View the scoresheet for this fixture here:scoresheet_24.pdf